Fish cake soup delivery

Fish Cake Soup Quest
Base Level:None
Item(s) (Consumed):Mushroom Spore OR 1 Whip OR 1 Bookclip In Memory OR 1 China
Item(s):Fish Cake Soup (Repeatable)

1. Go into the house in Hugel (81, 228) and talk to Cellette Lavit inside.

2. Ask her if you can work for her.

3. She will give one Fish Cake Soup to deliver to one of 4 NPCs.

  • Layoma at Hugel (84, 125).
  • Neha at Hugel (76, 134).
  • Maewan at Hugel (86, 139)
  • Erjan at Hugel (102, 169)

4. You will invariably be late, each of the 4 NPCs will demand an item.

  • Layoma will ask for 1 Mushroom Spore
  • Neha will ask for a Whip before she accepts the Fish Cake Soup. (she will hit the player twice with it, each for 1/4th the player's total HP)
  • Maewan will ask for a Bookclip In Memory for his collection
  • Erjan will ask for 1 China
5. Return to Cellette Lavit and receive 3 Fish Cake Soup.

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