WoE (War Of Emperium) - an interesting part of the game Ragnarok Online. The point is the war between the guilds. Near the city of Prontera, Geffen, Payon and Al de Baran has five locations with locks on each. The war took place within these castles. Before taking part in WoE, you must join the guild (minimum Level 2) having skill "Official Guild Approval". If you are not in a guild, you can participate in WoE, but you can not break the Emperium. WoE server is automatically activated at a fixed time.

Objectives WoE

The aim is to destroy the Imperium another guild, which is stored in the bins of the castle. After the destruction of the castle goes Imperium guild member that final blow to the Imperium. After that, the guild that owns the castle begins to defend the castle before the BoE or before the lock capture another guild. Guild often make alliances with each other that would help each other to capture or defend castles. Guild members are in an alliance, can not cause damage to their allies and can not beat the Imperium Union guild. Can not enter into alliances or destroyed during the BoE. As it is impossible to leave the guild or deleted from the guild character who is in the castle. Imperium is immune to everything except direct physical attacks. Imperium is one element of the Holy and the size Small.


Your guild can establish special protective NPC (guardians / Guard / Guard) in his castle. During BoE guards will attack all enemies and can be killed. Players can only attack the Guard during the BoE. Skill guild "Guardian Research" allows the guardians through a special NPC in the castle. Skill guild "Strenghten Guardians" increases HP, ATK and ASPD Guard.

Rules WoE

You can find the current owner of the castle, looking at the flag icon to the lock icon, or by clicking on the flag of the mouse. If no owner of the castle, he is busy monsters. Clearing the castle from the monsters, remember that the PvP mode is enabled and the other guild can attack you. When Guild Capture the Castle - BoE does not end, but continues to set the time on the server. When the BoE starts, all characters that are not in the guild owner of the castle, the castle is automatically teleported to a save point. When the guild successfully captures the castle (Imperium breaks), all the other characters, except the owners of the castle, teleported to a save point. If your guild owns the castle, you can teleport to your castle to "talk" with the flag of your castle. If your guild owns the castle, all guild members can enter the castle's dungeon, filled with strong monsters and MVP. One dungeon to the locks of the city, that is, for example, all have a common lock Prontera dungeon. Remember that in the dungeon is on PvP mode, and members of other guilds who are not in an alliance with you, they can attack you. He died of a player or a monster you lose 1% gain experience. Allied guilds can not attack your Imperium and members of your guild.

Reward for possession of the castle

In the castle there is a special room - a treasure - which can enter only guild master. In the treasure chests appear every day, of which fall various items. Set of objects is different for every lock. Number of trunks depends on the economy of the castle.