1. Talk to the Old Man in Lighthalzen (lighthalzen 141, 162). He mentions how Kazien is busy due to a lack of workers. (You can talk to the Old Man and get the quest listed in your quest list at any time, but Kaizen won't give you any work until you reach base level 70).
2. Go into the Rekenber Headquarters. Go to the second floor of the first room (reached by the winding red-carpeted stairs), then to the room to the right of the area blocked off by the sun-glasses wearing men to find the Young Man (Kazien) at (lhz_in01 174, 258). Select 'yes' when he asks if you can keep a secret.
3. Go to the Einbroch laboratory (einbroch 54, 52); the town guide can mark it for you on your mini-map. The Laboratory Guard will ask the player why they want to enter the lab. Answer with either "Whoa, I'm leaving!" or "I have some business" followed by "I'll be back later." and go back to find Kazien.
- If this is done incorrectly the mission will fail. There will be a chance to redo the mission from Kazien again, after a period of time so that he can forget about you. However, you first have to report your failure to Kaizen before he can forget. If he still remembers you after some time has passed, immediately talk to him again a few times to see if this makes him forget.
- Even if the conversation with the guard NPC is done correctly, answering "Sure" after returning to Kazien will fail this part.
4. Return to Kazien (lhz_in01 174, 258). He says the "job" was a test to check the player's ability to keep a secret. Talk to him again, and he mentions Lyozien.
5. Talk to Lyozien (Man) at (airplane_01 96, 48 - the International route Izlude/Rachel/Juno Airship). He mentions Ahman, located in Izlude near the airport.
- Note: if Lyozien is not present on the airship, wait 5 to 10 min to see if he re-appears, if he does not, the quest has encountered a problem and you will need to contact the GM Team using the "In-game Help" section of the Warp Portal Service to resolve the problem.
6. Talk to the Scamp (Ahman) at (izlude 186, 57). He says the goods have been delivered.
7. Talk to Lyozien again. He asks the player to see Kazien.
8. Talk to Kazien.
- Obtain 40,000 Base EXP
9. Go back to Lyozien again. This time two Thugs will appear. Kill them. Lyozien requires the player to find Ahman in Izlude again.
10. Talk to Ahman and show your suspicion on the Goods delivered and the attackers. However there will be no answer.
11. Go back to Lyozien, who express his gratitude and asks the player to find Kazien in Lighthalzen.
12. Talk to Kazien again and have a little debate on the attack and the contents of the goods.
- Obtain 45,000 Base EXP
13. Go to Lyozien. Another Thugs attack happens (three of them, this time) after talking to him. After the fight, some of the of the goods will be damaged. Walk to (airplane_01 98, 46) to examine them. While examining them, Lyozien will reappear and hand over a white potion.
- Note: if you fail to inspect the the damaged good, Lyozien will not reappear, and the quest will be broken for future players.
- Obtain 1 White Potion.
14. Talk to Ahman in Izlude. He asks the player to take a rest as they seem pale after looking at the contents of the goods.
15. Return to the airship. Lyozien will also ask the player to rest.
16. Talk to Kazien again and tell him you knew the contents of the goods. An argument on the righteous of the delivery commences.
- Obtain 55,000 Base EXP