Implemented with Episode 11.3, this quest involves new NPCs in WoE 1 castles. Different player classes are required to complete the quest, with some of the tasks including gaining a level and gathering items.
The NPC Names are different in each castle.
If you do this Quest...
Please confirm your reward at the bottom, so that we can have an accurate guide. (Rewards are still unconfirmed)
Guild Leader must start the relay quest by speaking to the NPC inside the castle. [Jody] Who will give them a Relay Ticket, and tell the leader to give it to a Knight or Lord Knight.Starting the Quest
First Part
Step 1: Knight
When the ticket is given to a Knight or Lord Knight in the same guild, they are to talk to [Ron Haware], located in the guild castle. He will tell the Knight to hunt 3 lots of 30 items.
Example set: 30 Tongues, 30 Dark Masks, 30 Shoulder Protectors
Example set 2: 30 Mole Whisker, 30 Worn Out Page, 30 Round Shell
Once you return the items to the NPC, he will give you a [Spirit of Charge] ticket which is to be given to a Blacksmith/Mastersmith.
Step 2: Blacksmith
When the ticket is given to a Blacksmith/Mastersmith in the same guild, they are to talk to [Ren Haware]. He will tell the Smith to just wait. So you have to wait for [30] Minutes (Time unconfirmed, I waited 30 mins and it was enough) and then go back and talk to him.
Once you return, he gives you [Spirit of Association] which is to be given to an Alchemist/Biochemist.
(Able to progress past the waiting part of the quest at the hour. The waiting part could work in time blocks of half an hour or 1 hour etc.)
Step 3: Alchemist
When the ticket is given to an Alchemist/Biochemist in the same guild, they are to talk to [Ren Haware]. His instruction now is to gain 2 Base Levels.
Once you return, he gives you [Spirit of Coordination] which is to be given to a Hunter/Sniper.
If the Alchemist/Biochemist's level is high enough, there is no need to gain 2 levels. The NPC will give you the [Spirit of Coordination].
Step 4: Hunter
When the ticket is given to a Hunter/Sniper in the same guild, they are to talk to [Ren Haware]. Now he requests the hunter to donate their Falcon to the guild. If you Donate it, then your Falcon will be removed and you will need to pay to get a new one...
Once this is done, he gives you [Spirit of Advance] which is to be given back to the guild leader to trade in for the first reward.
After the guild leader speaks to [Jody] and gets the reward, if you talk to him again he says you look pale and should rest for a little while. Come back in [x] Hours to start the second part of the quest. (Time to wait unconfirmed at this stage.. > 30 minutes... but < 12 Hours.)
Second Part
After the guild leader goes back and speaks to [Jody], they will be given a new ticket. This time it is the [Spirit of Trust], and is to be given to a Sage/Scholar.
Step 1: Sage
When the ticket is given to a Sage or Scholar in the same guild, they are to talk to [Vers]. He will tell the Sage to develop a bond with their fellow guildmates and learn things about them. Honestly i don't know what to do in this part yet. I waited for 2.5 hours, and people were talking in guild etc.. and I went back to him and it was good enough. (I'll update this when i redo the quest). Once you return to the NPC, he will give you a [Spirit of Union] which is to be given to a Bard/Minstrel or Dancer/Gypsy.
Step 2: Bard/Dancer
When the ticket is given to a Bard/Minstrel or Dancer/Gypsy in the same guild, they are to talk to [Vers]. He will tell them to hunt 3 sets of 30 items again. Once you have them, return to the NPC and he will give you a [Spirit of Combination] which is to be given to an Assassin / Assassin Cross.
Step 3: Assassin
When the ticket is given to an Assassin/Assassin Cross in the same guild, they are to talk to [Vers]. They actually don't have to do anything. They will be given a [Spirit of Solidarity] which is to be given to a Wizard / High Wizard.
Step 4: Wizard
When the ticket is given to a Wizard / High Wizard in the same guild, they are to talk to [Vers]. He instructs the Wizard to gain 1 Base Level, and then return to him. Once you return to him, he will give you a [Spirit of Friendship] that is to be handed to the guild leader.
The guild leader can then take the [Spirit of Friendship] to [Jody] who will reward with 1 random set of items. The next part cannot be started for a few hours again. This time it is a much longer wait. (Over 12 Hours)
Third Part
After the guild leader goes back and speaks to [Jody], they will be given a new ticket. This time it is the [Spirit of Peace], and is to be given to a Rogue/Stalker. They need to speak to [Gen Garish].
Step 1: Rogue
This is quite an easy step. Take the [Spirit of Peace] to the NPC and he requests for you to make a party of X people including yourself. No more, no less. The party just has to contain a specific amount of people (known possible member counts are 6 and 10). They don't have to be near the NPC or even in the same guild, just in the party and online. For doing this you will be rewarded with a [Spirit of Determination] which is to be given to a Priest/High Priest.
Step 2: Priest
Take the [Spirit of Determination] to [Gen Garish] and he instructs you to grow stronger by gaining a level. Return to him once you have gained the level and he will reward you with a [Spirit of Service] to be given to a Crusader/Paladin. If the Priest's/High Priest's level is high enough, there is no need to gain a level (98 normal Class is high enough, the minimum level that is "high enough" is unknown).
Step 3: Crusader
When the ticket is given to a Crusader/Paladin in the same guild, they are to talk to [Gen Garish]. He will tell the Crusader to just wait. Once you return, he gives you [Spirit of Glory] which is to be given to an Monk/Champion.
Step 4: Monk
When the [Spirit of Glory] is given to a Monk/Champion in the same guild, they are to talk to [Gen Garish] again. He will tell them to hunt 3 sets of 30 items again. Once you have them, return to the NPC and he will give you a [Spirit of Victory] that is to be handed to the guild leader to trade in for the last reward.
The reward will be 1 random set of items.
Part 1- Random of the following:
1) 2 EDP Bottles, 20 ygg seeds
2) 2 EDP Bottles, 10 ygg berries
3) 2 EDP Bottles, 5 gift box
4) 2 EDP Bottles, 3 obb (Confirmed)
Part 2- Random of the Following:
1) 10 Ygg Berries, 5 Gift Box, 3 EDP Bottles
2) 10 Ygg Berries, 3 OBB, 3 EDP Bottles
3) 10 Ygg Berries, 3 OPB, 3 EDP Bottles
4) 4 Gift Box, 2 OBB, 3 EDP Bottles
5) 3 Gift Box, 2 OPB, 3 EDP Bottles
6) 2 OBB, 2 OPB, 3 EDP Bottles
7) 10 Ygg Berries, 3 Gift Box, 2 OBB, 1 OPB (Confirmed)
Part 3- Random of the following:
1) 10 Ygg Seeds, 5 Ygg Berries, 4 Gift Box
2) 10 Ygg Seeds, 5 Ygg Berries, 3 OBB
3) 10 Ygg Seeds, 2 OPB, 5 Ygg Berries (Confirmed)
4) 10 Ygg Seeds, 4 Gift box, 2 OBB, 1 OPB