Help Mr. Zabaroo Quest

1. Go to Veins Field 2, and talk to to the Wincing Old Man (Zabaroo) (337, 314). His back has given out, and he needs you to talk to Absar in the Veins tool shop for him.

2. Head to Veins, and find Abasar in the back room of the Tool Shop (ve_in 169, 310). Answer with "..." and when he asks, tell him you're there for Zabaroo. Then inquire about the items he needs.

  • If you say "Excuse Me," you interfere with an experiment, and lose some HP in the process.

3. Abasar says he'll help, but needs some items. Bring him 5 Steel, 5 Maneater Root, and 2 Glacial Hearts. He makes the device for you, a "claw," and tells you to deliver it to Zabaroo.

4. Walk back to Zabaroo, and give him the device. He thanks you and asks you to deliver some of the stones to the factory in town for him.

5. Enter the factory (veins 269, 226), and talk to the Factory Manager (ve_in02 37, 28). He tells you to give the rocks to the Factory Worker (ve_in02 54, 49).

6. After handing over the rocks, go back to Zabaroo, who thanks you and gives you a reward.

  • Receive 30,000 Base EXP and 3 Elunium.

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